
The articles marked with * are general in nature and are usually my blabbering and rambling about anything and everything.

Monday, September 14, 2009

An ugly truth

I'm really angry while writing this post. I'm really fed up with IIT.
Damn this place. Damn the fake glory it has acquired. Damn the people inside here.
If this is what real life is like, living a life has lost it's meaning in this world.There is no way I'm ever going to adapt this way of living my life. People telling me how to work, people controlling me, I can never bear that(How can anybody else tolerate I dunno). A classic argument that features as I refuse to attune to the place is that I am to deal with the "same" kind of things during my job as well(Wow, somebody else just decided my future and the hardships to go with it!!wonderful and I should be thankful for him being so helpful telling me about that. Please gimme a break.).

Life itself is such a beautiful thing that it teaches you to adapt to any situation. That is why we develop a habit of accepting pain and frustration. But there's a limit to everything. When you start accepting things without even questioning them, when you have become a slave to the system. This is really awful. It is in no way a truth that if a system produces results, it's successful. Definitely not.

That's what I've realized now. It's a mistake to think that IIT is successful just because it produces people who succeed. It's just that the people who get inside IIT are so hardworking, so focused, and the "spirit" of mutual competition in here. But inside IIT, presence of mind and focus is preferred over hard-work or sheer interest. It's just that even if you are better than others in a thing, you are let down by others, who put in a minimal effort and still get better results than you. I know people who spend time over movies, music, and God ( Who doesn't exist) knows what, and still perform better than hardworkers. Is this what it is all about? Is it just presence of mind? Is it just going to a place and solving worthless problems with full concentration? Is it just about how fast your brain recognises things and processes them? Is it not about effort, is it not about dedication, or interest, or enthusiasm?

It all boils down to this: Some "extra-intelligent" people have collectively decided that certain things are right, others are wrong. They judge people on the basis of this. They think their perception is flawless and unchangeable. They do not appreciate qualities in people which they think aren't "Important"(Ofcourse important only includes how good you are at cramming formulas for useless things no matter how much you have understood.). That's the way this world is. It conforms to its norms. It doesn't realise that keeping norms is the worst way to live your life. You should excel in whatever you're doing, no matter what it is (of course, you should do something which serves humanity). But don't be bogged down by obstacles in your ways. That's what I try to explain to myself when I get in these moods. But it's really tough to calm myself. I cannot help it.

In the last post I mentioned the freedom one gets in a hostel. But hang on, that is just an illusion. We complain about the mess food, and in all its warden deciding the menu for us(he even checks if the menu is too "oily" or not. Maybe we all have "hidden" high cholesterol ailments we dont even know of.). The level of teaching here can drive anybody, however enthusiastic he is for studies, to bunk classes(exceptions exist in both level of teaching and those "anybody"). And about acads, oh man!! Nothing pertaining to the basics and the concept based learning but maths in everything. The research oriented studies that were once a part of curriculum have now been scrapped. They focus on producing better machines that would serve well for the companies. But still everyone out here is "proud" to be in IIT. What is the proud all about I wonder. Everyone outside thinks life is cool as future is "secured". And a question I am left asking to myself is this was what I really wanted!!!A life like a machine!! The answer is obvious but the solution nowhere near in the vicinity.


  1. hmmm nice but could have been better.....
    Posted two entries in quick succession , and contradicting your every statement one after another in both the entries.
    Are you really such short minded. I believe you are in some kind of college and not a king of some place , you are supposed to have some restrictions,you need to face certain hardships college life is not just about fun and frolic and you need to understand it.
    Well it's your choice.
    Try to give more time to your entries............:)
    Once again a spelling mistake check it out.......:P

  2. well, the previous entry was what I felt a year ago and this one was about right now. And maybe i thought this contradiction might be more effective.
    Well i understand your point but sometimes it all feels like its too just thought this might be a nice idea to publish it like this cos by this way the difference is apparent.

  3. God........IITians getting aggressive day by day....Cool down bro.....Life is soon gonna change.
    Wonderful write up.......keep going :)
